Just 4 months shy of her 12th birthday (which is a great age for a Saint and it brings me some comfort), we said goodbye to our beloved Darby.
Let me tell you a little about our girl.
From that December day when we picked her up from Delta air cargo at the Philadelphia airport, it was love at first sight! She was the absolute most adorable thing I had ever seen. And she was the kindest, gentlest puppy. She never ran off or chewed our shoes. Okay, I think she chewed one of my shoes but they were horribly ugly and I think she was just trying to help.
She was house trained so easily because she just loved to please us, I think. I can honestly say that I have no complaints about her. Not a one. Maybe the shedding, the shedding was a downer. But that's it. And I actually miss it already.
Before there were babies, she was our baby.
Then when there were babies, she loved them so much. The stuff that she allowed them to do still amazes me. Truly.
She loved our girls and they loved her.
Last summer we rescued a extremely tiny kitten and Darby loved her. She was so sweet and gentle with her. I think that cat actually thought Darby was her mom at times. And I can tell that she is missing her these past two days.
We are all missing her.
People say that it's a relief when you know that your pet is not suffering any more. And that's true. But it also feels strange. It's strange not seeing her when I open the front door. It's strange not hearing her walk around the house. It's strange when we eat dinner and she is not patiently waiting a few feet away (because she never came to the table and begged) for one of the kids to give her some of their food.
I know that it was the right time. Of that, I am certain. But it doesn't feel "right" yet. It feels like she should still be with us. She was a constant in our lives for the past 11 1/2 years. And it doesn't feel right without her.
In the end, I am just so extremely grateful that our lives were blessed by this girl.
Darby, you will forever be loved and missed. Rest easy, sweet girl.
My best friend sent me this and I LOVE it. So I thought I would share it with you.