1. Don't read this if you haven't already read the Fifty Shades books but you plan on it and don't wait to ruin any of it.
2. I have never read or seen any of the Twilight books/movies...nor do I have any interest to do so.
3. I have no clue what fan fiction is and I don't know much about the author, E.L.James . I just read the first book, Fifty Shades of Grey, because my friend lent it to me and I had nothing else to read at the time.
4. I was not all wrapped up in the Fifty Shades hype prior to reading the books.
5. I LOVE to read. Not crappy fiction...but all sorts of books. I just haven't had much free time lately to read, that is until I started this trilogy and made some time.
Image from www.okmagazine.com
So this isn't a book review. Well, maybe it kind of is. I am not sure. It's just my take on the series.
I have mentioned a few times that I got completely wrapped up in reading all three of the Fifty Shades books. And that is true.
But maybe not for the reasons that people think.
I find that I get annoyed when people act like these books are some type of "mom porn". WTF is that about? Are moms these pathetic women that sit alone in their homes reading books to get their rocks off? Sorry, but it is pretty annoying. Yes, the books have sex scenes in them. A lot of them. Yes, some of it is crazy S&M stuff. But truly, I really got wrapped up in the story of Ana and Christian. I wanted to see what was going to happen between them (even if the plot line was a little cheesy).
So when I finished the first book, I HAD to start the second one immediately. I could not just leave it at they broke up and that was it. I wanted to read more. And NOT for the sex scenes. Because to be completely honest, they got old. They were pretty repetitive and the wording was all the same. Ana was annoying at times and Christian was a weirdo that would have scared the shit out of me. But besides that, I loved to see their relationship change over time. You know, it's like the good girl falls for the bad boy and changes him.
I read all 3 of the books in a little over a week. I loved them. Am I saying that I think it is wonderfully written classic literature? NO. I am just saying that I really enjoyed reading them. I could have even done without all the sex and Ana's obnoxious conversations with herself...oh and her inner goddess. (UGH! I did have quite enough of that by the time I finished Fifty Shades Freed.) I could have also done without them having the same conversations and arguments over and over. And them claiming each other as "mine" all the time, having sex an unreasonable number of times in one day, and how everything works out so conveniently with Ana's best friend ending up with Christian's brother. Really? Those parts reeeeeaaaaalllllly got on my nerves.
The bottom line: The books were good and got me back into reading...and wanting to read for enjoyment. It is a nice escape from whining, arguing and Nick Jr.

Image from www.pinterest.com
(Yes, I am aware that this picture is super cheesy. I meant to do that.)