I was expressing my distaste for this winter season when my husband so graciously reminded me that it is far from being over. We are just hitting February...which is always chock full of
How will we survive? How will we make it through without upping our doses of antibiotics and antidepressants?
I am here to help. Much like my Summer Survival Tips, I give you my Winter Survival Guide. And it couldn't come at a better time. You are very welcome.
1. Stock up on necessities...such as wine and beer.
2. You may need to grab some milk and such, if you have kids.
3. Also buy some cheese balls. Kids love cheese balls. The ones that are orange and stain kids' hands. Every time my kids are whiny, I say "Hey, do you want a bowl of cheese balls?" Cheers them up every time.
4. Buy the Just Dance game (any one will do). Kids love it and it's also fun for adults when you have had a little too much of #1. I have heard that you can also get a good work out from this. See #5.
5. Don't worry about working out. You still have until March, at the earliest, to start worrying about bathing suit season and to start berating yourself for failing miserably with your New Year's resolution to lose weight. See...that's why my resolution was just to NOT get any fatter.
6. Make a bleach and water solution. Mix 1 tbs bleach and 1 quart of water. Use that shit to clean EVERYTHING. Forget about the other expensive cleaners. This stuff works.
Tip: Don't let the kids touch it. It is kind of dangerous. And it might discolor fabrics and cheap fake wood furniture from Target. Not that I know from experience or anything...
Note to self: Do not buy cheap fake wood furniture from Target.
7. If you have any friends going to a warm, tropical vacation destination, END ALL CONTACT with them. This includes in person and via social media. Trust me. Continued contact will do more harm than good.
8. Watch good television. As much as I love summer, our television viewing options are limited. So take advantage of the winter months and watch every damn show possible. Also, DVR those bad boys and save them for later. Feel free to delete crap like Wizards and Waverly Place and Oswald to make room for your programs.
9. Don't worry about working out. Did I already say that?
10. Look at the bright side. You have a few more months to cover your muffin top with sweats. Plus, humidity is low which helps with hair. My naturally curly hair loves winter...even if I don't.
So there you have it. You, too, can survive winter with booze, cheese balls, and television.
And again, don't worry about working out.
Do you have any tips to add to my list? Please feel free to share!
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